Godfests, special REMs, all that good stuff. I got Ace and Tidus in FF (I'll show pics at a later day), got a few random things in Godfests, (like Ganesha, I knew he was going to get an ulti so I held him.. then fed him off right before they revealed his ulti and I cringed... then I saw the ult and laughed because it's so bad).
Anyways, second last roll in PCGF got me a Kagutsuchi (why were things dropping max level? It's nice, but why?). He'll be fantastic on my Minerva team, but now I need to kill something to evolve him. Dark Izanami requires 3 slots (preferably 4), Wangren requires 3 slots (preferably 4). I could actually evolve Dark Izanami with 1 slot, but the probability of that actually happening is so little (I need to have a Dub Amelit or Dub Mythlit and then run Evo Rush and loot 4 specific cards... yeaaaah no). So I only have 3 slots currently, which means I need to get 2 more slots. The only things I don't need (that I'm willing to kill, is a better way to put it) is Skuld and Osiris (oh I rolled Osiris, he's pretty cool since he brings my dragons to 30k HP... except I run rows, not prongs...).
So yeah, I have to take two steps backward to go one step forward with Hino. Funtimes.
I guess I'll just deal with the struggle and kill them right now so I don't have to keep thinking about it. I have a ton of Pii's from everything and almost every card in my box is max skill (everything except Skuld, Osiris and Hino).
Oh, also, the free God I got was Pandora. Yay... Well, time to figure out what to do with the 7 Extreme Metal King Dragons that they're giving us for free.
I'll try to keep posting as often as I can. The game is starting to pick up again (it usually tapers off in between events or during slow ones, like the first part of this event, where all I did was die to Challenge 6 because stupid Light Izanami in no RCV).